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How Retailers Can Cut Through the Noise This Holiday Season

The original version of this piece appeared as a Total Retail post.

The holiday shopping season is a crucial time for retailers, but capturing consumer attention can be challenging. Prices and competition are high, and with many consumers starting their shopping earlier than normal this year, retailers need to act fast.

One technique retailers are using to win consumer attention is live shopping, where products are sold via livestreams. The immediate nature of live shopping creates a sense of urgency that encourages consumers to buy while also building relationships with influencers. To make live shopping even more effective, brands can run limited-time offers.

Consider incorporating gamification as well. Making shopping feel like a game helps brands distinguish themselves and capitalizes on shoppers’ competitive nature. And when customers have fun buying products, earning points, and getting deals, they are more likely to come back for more.

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of gated offers. While general discounts abound during the holiday season, an exclusive offer for a particular community—such as the military—makes consumers feel rewarded and recognized. It also allows brands to show their support for people who make the world a better place, such as teachers, and this goodwill can be particularly effective during a season of giving.

If your brand wants to capture the attention of shoppers with exclusive offers, you’ll want to protect these offers with a reputable Verification Platform. An effective gated offer strategy helps brands earn customer loyalty that will outlast the holiday season.